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Thermal modification gives our products many advantages

  • Durability icon


    Highest durability class
  • Stability icon


    More dimensionally stable in changing weather conditions
  • No hot feet icon


    Does not overheat in the sun
  • Ecofriendly icon


    A chemical-free modification process
  • Lightweight icon


    A lower moisture content makes the wood lighter
  • Low-waste icon


    There's no need to handle our products as hazardous waste

Thermal modification penetrates deep beneath the wood’s surface

Unlike chemical impregnation, thermal modification enhances the wood throughout, not just the outer surface. The result is boards that are stable and durable in every sense. At Thermory, we believe product quality is paramount, so we work hard on mastering our technology and innovating to stay ahead.

Thermal modification requires a master’s dedication and a skillful hand

The thermal modification process takes place in a heating chamber with special sensors and is controlled with computers by experienced specialists.

Thermory’s quality is ensured by a special thermal modification process developed based on 20 years of experience, which varies by species and purpose of use.

The principle is the same: the moisture level of the wood is reduced to 0% over a period of 35-46 hours and then the temperature is raised to the necessary level, followed by the cooling and misting of the wood. At all times during the thermal modification process, only temperature and steam are used. Heat triggers physical and chemical reactions in the wood and we control the process by adjusting the moisture.

The peak temperature depends on the type of wood and where the thermally modified wood product is to be used

  • For intense thermal modification, the temperature used is at least 215 degrees C, which makes our wood products ideal for use in outdoor settings
  • For medium thermal modification, the peak temperature is 190 degrees C, which makes the wood suitable for indoor use

Thermal modification makes wood more durable and stable

  • The wood’s physical and chemical properties change during thermal modification. When it’s heated, the wood releases moisture and its chemical composition is transformed.
  • Thermal modification lowers the wood’s absorbency, meaning that exposure to moisture no longer causes it to swell as much. It also improves the dimensional stability, so the wood expands and contracts less in outdoor conditions.
  • The lower internal stresses found in thermally modified wood also reduce material consumption during construction.
  • The wood’s biological resistance increases as the nutrients in it are modified during thermal modification, becoming less available to pests and microorganisms. This increases the durability of the wood in outdoor conditions and ensures that it does not need to be impregnated with toxic substances for protection.
  • The heat and sound insulation of thermally modified wood is superior to that of natural wood by as much as 30%.
  • Thermally modified wood has a lower weight and density, making the wood easier to work with mechanically.
  • Thermally modified wood has a beautiful, deep color. Alongside the enhanced aesthetic appeal, this can also offer sustainability benefits, for example by making thermally modified ash a great alternative to tropical hardwood.
  • As no chemicals are used in the thermal modification process, our thermally modified wood products are safe and there’s no need to handle them as hazardous waste after use.